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We work with Indian farmers across the country.
Working directly with passionate farmers and artisans across India, we are committed to sourcing only the highest quality organic produce.

L’exploitation comptait jusque-là un troupeau Holstein élevé de manière intensive. La nouvelle génération réfléchit alors à produire du lait différemment et opte pour un troupeau de Jersiaises.
La transition vers une activité biologique, obtient une certification bio en 2011.
• Un cacao produit dans le respect de l’agriculture durable :- Interdiction des pesticides sur le cacao et dans le sol (produits chimiques toxiques pour la santé)
- Préservation de la faune et la flore (pas de destruction de la végétation naturelle ou des espèces animales)
• Un cacao produit selon les normes du commerce équitable :
- Conditions de travail décentes pour les travailleurs et leurs familles
- Interdiction du travail des enfants
- Promotion du développement local

Humidity 12%

Humidity 9% – 12%

Humidity 10%

Humidity 13-15%

Humidity 13%

We have developed a Productive Network of Organic Grains with more than 1894 small producers and 60 businesses; integrating more than 18,953 hectares certified for production in 17 states of Mexico.
We work with 7 Certified Processing Plants distributed in different parts of the country, ensuring the supply of the products required by our customers, ensuring that the requirements of final consumers and the various agencies that support us are met.
We have integrated a distribution system without intermediaries, allowing us to offer highly competitive prices.

We have developed a Production Network with over 900 small producers and 60 business; integrating over 7,000 hectares certified for production in 15 states of Mexico. During each production cycle we make sure to select the best area for each crop, performing different tests to ensure the absence of pesticides and pathogens.
We have four Certified Processing Plants distributed in different parts of the country, ensuring the supply of the products required by our customers. In these plants perform tests to ensure that the requirements of the end users and the various agencies that support us are fulfilled.
Our production processes are geared to meeting the standards set by International Certification Agencies, among which include Organic Crop Improvement Association (US); Bioagricert (Italy), Quality Kosher Supervisors and soon the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP).
We have integrated a Distribution System without intermediaries, allowing us to offer highly competitive prices. Team Logistics and Customs Agencies associated enable us to ensure timely delivery of our products.